Arab Federation for Voluntary Work Honors Lamise Negm for Her Distinguished Efforts in Promoting Volunteer Work

News Agencies

The Arab Federation for Voluntary Work recently honored Dr. Lamise Aly Negm, Former Advisor to the Governor of the Central Bank for Social Responsibility, for her pioneering role in social responsibility across various sectors as part of celebrating the Arab Day for Voluntary Work.

This day falls on September 15 of each year and marks a four-day celebration under the slogan “The Role of the Media in Developing Volunteer Work.”

Dr. Negm is considered one of the most prominent leaders of volunteer work in Egypt. She has led numerous development projects in all governorates of the republic during her tenure as Advisor to the Governor of the Central Bank for Social Responsibility.

Even after leaving her position, she continues to play a significant role in several civil and development work institutions in Egypt.

The Arab Federation for Voluntary Work Conference was launched in Cairo yesterday, with the participation of 16 Arab countries.

The conference is part of the celebration of the Arab Volunteer Work Day, which takes place on September 15 of each year and lasts for four days under the slogan “The Role of the Media in Developing Volunteering.”

The conference program includes honoring leading volunteer and media figures, signing international and Arab agreements, as well as conducting various visits to learn about volunteer experiences in Egypt.

Additionally, there will be a symposium for media professionals to discuss their role in spreading the culture of volunteer work in the Arab world and highlighting the role of volunteering at the continental and international levels. Fieldwork papers on volunteer work will also be discussed.

The conference program will also launch a new project under the slogan “Retired Volunteer” to serve retired leaders who have had a significant impact in 12 specializations in serving the community.

Furthermore, a protocol will be signed with the German organization “Humanity First,” which has extensive experience and has actively participated with the union in volunteer work. This protocol will serve the associations that directly serve the community.

For her part, the head of the Arab Federation for Voluntary Work noted that the conference is being held in Egypt for the second consecutive year due to its strategic location and the facilities it provides. Protocols will be signed on the sidelines of the conference to serve the Egyptian community and the Arab community in general.

The Arab Federation for Voluntary Work was established by a Qatari initiative in 2003, and Doha was chosen as the headquarters of the Arab Federation for Voluntary Work.

The Federation aims to achieve cooperation between volunteer organizations in the Arab world and currently includes 19 Arab countries.

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