Islamic Pottery Museum to Reopen in Cairo

News Agencies

 The Islamic Pottery Museum, a cultural gem in the heart of Cairo, will reopen its doors to the public on October 15th. This announcement comes after an extensive 14-year restoration and efficiency enhancement project.

During a recent inspection tour, Egypt’s Minister of Culture, Ahmed Fouad Hanno, expressed his satisfaction with the progress made and emphasized the museum’s significance as a historical treasure. The museum, housed in the Prince Amr Ibrahim’s Palace, boasts a collection of over 315 rare and exquisite ceramic pieces from various eras and regions.

The reopening of the Islamic Pottery Museum marks a milestone in the ministry’s efforts to preserve and promote Egypt’s rich cultural heritage. Visitors can expect to explore a diverse range of pottery, including intricate designs and unique techniques that showcase the craftsmanship of ancient and medieval artisans

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.