“Good Girls” is a popular American crime-comedy drama television series that revolves around the story of three suburban mothers who, after experiencing financial difficulties, decide to rob a supermarket. The show takes an interesting turn as the mothers soon find themselves involved with a crime boss and the FBI, leading to a series of thrilling and comedic events.
The American crime-comedy series features a star-studded cast, including Christina Hendricks, Retta, and Mae Whitman, who portray the lead roles of Beth, Ruby, and Annie, respectively.
In 2021, an Arabic adaptation of “Good Girls” titled “Lunch Box” was announced, which features a notable cast, including Ghada Adel, Jamila Awad, Fadwa Abed, and many more. The script for the show has been written by the talented Amr Medhat, while Hisham El Rasheedy has directed the series.
The 30-episode series, which is set to be released in Ramadan 2024, promises to offer an exciting and engaging storyline that will keep audiences hooked till the very end.