Egypt Plans Construction of World’s Longest Artificial River

Local Media

Egypt Plans Construction of World’s Longest Artificial River

Egypt is planning to build a 114km artificial river to increase food security and boost its agricultural exports.

The New Delta project, which the Egyptian government says will cover a million acres, and Arabian Business reports will cost $5.3bn, is under construction in the Western Desert.

The scheme aims to increase agricultural exports. These presently generate 15% of Egypt’s GDP.

Officials say New Delta will include other projects, such as “Egypt’s Future”, which aims to increase farmland in the country by 15%.

In late March, Ethiopia announced that work has almost been completed on the Grand Renaissance Dam, located on the Blue Nile, which supplied most of Egypt’s water, according to the “Global Construction Review” website.

Hani Sewilam, Egypt’s water minister, said the 6GW dam may reduce the downstream flow of the Nile by as much as 25%, putting at risk Egypt’s social and economic stability.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.