8 Egyptian Universities Featured on the Global Top 1000 Universities’ List

News Agencies

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Ayman Ashour has announced the 2024 results of the prestigious international Shanghai World University Rankings.

According to Ashour, eight Egyptian universities have secured positions in the top 1000 universities worldwide, up from seven in 2023, reported Egypt Independent.

Ashour further commended the efforts of Egyptian universities, noting their continuous improvement in global rankings. This progress reflects the state’s commitment to enhancing the higher education and scientific research system to meet international standards.

In the 2024 rankings, Cairo University maintained its leading position among Egyptian universities, ranking in the (301-400) category globally and within the top 500 universities worldwide. Additionally, Ain Shams, Alexandria, and Mansoura Universities also held their positions in the (601-700) category globally.

Al-Azhar University and Zagazig University both ranked in the (701-800) category, with Zagazig University advancing 100 places from the previous year. Suez Canal University and Tanta University secured positions in the (901-1000) category.

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