3 female judges become members of the State Council’s Technical Office for 1st time in Egypt

News Agencies

In a significant move to promote gender diversity in Egypt’s State Council, three highly accomplished female judges have been appointed to key positions in the General Secretariat and Technical Office of the Presidency.

These distinguished judges are Counselor Hind Ahmed Ali Aliwa, Counselor Radwa Helmy Ahmed, and Counselor Mona Mahmoud Ahmed.

This development is part of a concerted effort launched three years ago to enhance women’s representation within the council’s judicial sector. Since joining the State Council, these three judges have earned their positions for outstanding performance.

They have been specifically assigned to work in the technical office of the council’s president. Furthermore, President Ahmed Aboud has given the green light to a comprehensive judicial movement for the upcoming 2024/2025 judicial year, commencing on October 1st. This movement will involve the assignment of 108 counselors to the Supreme Administrative Court, 1,239 counselors to the Administrative Court of Justice, 568 counselors to the administrative and disciplinary courts, and 1,700 counselors to the State Commissioners.

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.