Egyptian Local Brands Step Up Amid boycott Sweeping Middle East

News Agencies

Egypt’s deep-rooted support for  the Palestinian people has found expression in a powerful boycott movement targeting companies with ties to Israel. As tensions with Gaza escalate, economic pressure has emerged as a primary avenue for expressing solidarity.

One prominent target of the boycott is PepsiCo, due to its 2018 acquisition of Israeli company SodaStream. This move ignited a surge in support for local alternatives as Egyptians sought to sever economic ties with Israel. The situation was exacerbated by Pepsi’s recent “Stay Thirsty” marketing campaign, deemed insensitive given the ongoing Gaza conflict.

Amid the backlash against international brands, Egyptian companies have seized the opportunity to expand their market share. Trobi, a domestic soft drink producer, has experienced a significant sales boost. Their “Encourage Your Country’s Product” slogan has resonated with consumers, proving more effective than traditional advertising.

Previously overshadowed by Pepsi and Coca-Cola, Trobi’s success story highlights the potential of local businesses when supported by a unified consumer base. The boycott movement has catalyzed a shift in consumer preferences, empowering local brands and challenging the dominance of multinational corporations.

As the conflict in Gaza continues, the boycott movement is likely to persist. Its impact on both consumer behavior and the business landscape in Egypt is a testament to the power of collective action in driving social and economic change

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Top 50 Women Forum is the first platform in Egypt to work exclusively on empowering women professionals, with the purpose of strengthening their contribution development & decision-making processes.